The Conundrum of Unanticipated Value
Disruptive change has people nowadays looking to companies to save their lives—if not the ...
How to Avoid the Two-Step (Backwards) in Private Equity
We all know what it’s like when a company starts to stumble. It feels as if, for every ...
The 7 Deadly Sins of Talent: Arrogance
Many mistakes I've seen made in talent management stem from this sin. Arrogance blinds ...
Playing Hardball in HR? Focus on Value
In 2004, George Stalk Jr. of Boston Consulting Group noted that, "Companies join and fly ...
The 7 Deadly Sins of Talent: Rank and Yank
Reward the top 20% of your performers and fire the bottom 10%. These days, that makes as ...
The 7 Deadly Sins of Talent: Urgency
I've lost count of the times leaders have spoken to me about missing the importance of a ...