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Sumeet Salwan December 4 2024

Three Reasons CEOs Fail And How To Avoid Doing The Same

CEOs—even the successful ones—are under pressure to deliver in a daunting business environment where every company is in some state of transformation. Is it any wonder time-in-role is on the decline for so many?


The median tenure of CEOs in the S&P 500 has dropped 20% in the last decade, from six years to 4.8 years, according to a 2023 Equilar study. In fact, CEO turnover spiked in the first quarter of 2024, with 15% of outgoing CEOs lasting less than two years in the role, up from 9.6% since 2019, according to the Russell Reynolds Global CEO Turnover Index. One could argue the very existence of such an index illustrates the growing challenge.

The rest of the article can be found at Forbes, where it was originally published on Sep 12th, 2024.



Sumeet Salwan

Sumeet has spent the last 30+ years working on connecting human capital with business value. As the co-founder of a global Human Capital advisory firm - CEO.Works, he is passionate about working with CEOs,